by Mackenzie Patel **I wrote this paper for my Art History class, but I thought it’d fit perfectly within LTA!** Frida Kahlo. That name, brimming with constant sorrow, incredible creativity, and violent feeling, was the focus of the Harn’s Mirror, Mirror … Portraits of Frida Kahlo exhibition.  Frida Kahlo, a portrait shot by Antonio Kahlo… Read More

by Mackenzie Patel Hello all! Gnarled bust of dead men, bloody combats between enslaved brutes, and languid nights of velvet sofas and sex excite me in the historical sense. I am in love with Ancient Rome. Bedsheets of Suetonius, aphrodisiacs of ancient Mediterranean seafood, and collarbones kisses of Julius Caesar have seduced me more than… Read More

by Mackenzie Patel I did not know a few thin, papery pages written by dead ivy leaguers could be that important. However, after reading Strunk&White’s The Elements of Style, I am convinced their strict rules and harsh opinions about diction do work. Reading their words as a writer is like being repeatedly slapped on the… Read More

by Mackenzie Patel Hello all! I’m an old rag of summertime sun, European adventures, and frustrated overthinking. I’m officially a “disillusioned sophomore” that doesn’t buy textbooks until the middle of the semester and swears freshmen are ridiculous children. My uppity sense of college ownership comes with the territory, but it’ll soon slink away once the… Read More